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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Flo Rida

So I just returned from three weeks in FLORIDA!  And I had a blast!

I saw my cousins M & M (not the milk chocolate type)! I reunited with an old friend that I felt like maybe the Ex kind of got in the divorce because her hubby is his frat brother but turns out that is not the case and it makes my heart SING! LALALA! She means a lot to me (and I know she reads this, I lurve ya TLD!!). I got some beach days, I had some fun in the sun, had one my best friend classmates with me and overall relaxed. Oh and I did a rotation in the Emergency room. Yup EM was never going to be for me. 

But you want to know the funny thing?! Florida feels like a vacation to me, it doesn't feel like home! The mid-atlantic does! Weird huh? So sorry FL, put a fork in it you're done! I will actually finally get a new license if I make it back to the Mid-Atlantic! 

So here's to FLORIDA